Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To New Beginnings

I think its kind of ironic how life works.  In the sense that we think we are SO in control but all it takes is the smallest thing and we are thrown for a complete loop.  I thought I had everything under control and in a matter of days I lost my job, my classes, and essentially everything I knew to be true.  It's hard, life is hard, lessons are hard to learn, its hard to say goodbye, its even harder to say hello.  So here I am.  In a new state, with a COMPLETELY new sense of everything.  Im diving head first into so many things unknown and praying and hoping for the best.  SO!  Here is to a new chapter in my life, YUP I'm starting another one, who would have thought it would be so soon!?  Not me!  But its now or never, and I'm choosing now, so here I go... wish me luck!  

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