Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Past is The Past.

            So I started this blog like a week ago I think it was. And Ive never in my life felt more compelled to write than right now.  I went to a small group tonight that I found through one of the girls I met while at Seacoast and I actually really liked the group.  I felt like all the people in it were real, and honest and I felt like I could just be me with them.  Sooo, needless to say I was just that and opened up like a can of worms to the new girls I had just met.....yeahhh...who knows what they thought but being there and sharing with them just really got me thinking about a lot, this summer, the past two years, and the future.  

          The past few months have been a whirlwind for me to say the least.  From partying way too much, to getting evicted from my apartment, to loosing my job, to getting all my classes dropped..it's been hard.  But I think I got comfortable.  Comfortable with living a life of destruction that was distracting to me, I lost control of everything and to be honest it felt so great I didn't want to get out of it.  But God hit me up side the head and dragged me out of it.  He didn't do it the way I wanted either, he literally slammed shut every door I knew and I had no choice to do anything but pick up and leave the familiar.  Part of me wants to backspace all of this and start over...Im being to honest..    God only let me go so far.  But as one of my best friends put it "I've been thinking about it and i'm not sure there really is anything for you here in Franklin."  Im scared to death for the future, everytime I try and get my life right with God I go through the hardest times..  Its so much easier to just ignore what I know Im being called to do.  But this time its different, Im supposed to do this.  He moved me to another state away from distractions and I know its gonna be easy to find those same distractions here but I have the chance to start over, and for that I am thankful.  I was no threat to satan when I was living the way he wanted me to, but now Im trying to turn around and I know he is going to try to distract me with anything he can.  Please pray for me as I start to head back toward the straight and narrow and I start this new chapter in my life.  Thank you-Liv 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To New Beginnings

I think its kind of ironic how life works.  In the sense that we think we are SO in control but all it takes is the smallest thing and we are thrown for a complete loop.  I thought I had everything under control and in a matter of days I lost my job, my classes, and essentially everything I knew to be true.  It's hard, life is hard, lessons are hard to learn, its hard to say goodbye, its even harder to say hello.  So here I am.  In a new state, with a COMPLETELY new sense of everything.  Im diving head first into so many things unknown and praying and hoping for the best.  SO!  Here is to a new chapter in my life, YUP I'm starting another one, who would have thought it would be so soon!?  Not me!  But its now or never, and I'm choosing now, so here I go... wish me luck!